Return 31.7.1989 Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls
- It Don't Come Easy
- The No No Song
- Yellow Submarine
- New Island Midnight/Such A Night/Big Mac [Dr. John]
- The Weight [Levon Helm]
- Shine Silently [Nils Lofgren]
- Will It Go Round In Circles [Billy Preston]
- Act Naturally
- Honey Don't
- You're A Friend Of Mine [Clarence Clemons]
- The Shape I'm In [Rick Danko]
- Life In The Fast Lane [Joe Walsh]
- Back Off Boogaloo
- Desperado [Joe Walsh]
- Raining In My Heart [Rick Danko]
- Up On Cripple Crick [Levon Helm]
- Boys
- Bein' Angry [Nils Lofgren]
- Candy [Dr. John]
- Right Place, Wrong Time [Dr. John]
- Quarter To Three [Clarence Clemons]
- Amazing Grace/Rocky Mountain Way [Joe Walsh]
- Nothing From Nothing [Billy Preston]
- Photograph
- You're Sixteen (You're Beautiful You're Mine)
- With A Little Help From My Friends
Official Release
- None
Bootleg recording
- 2 audio sources:
Source A: Complete, Fair sound, length: 2h05m15s
Source B: Incomplete, G- sound, length: 1h50m40s
Missing the beginning until the middle of the first chorus of Yellow Submarine,
New Island Midnight/Such A Night/Big Mac only the end with 34 seconds
- 1 video source:
Source 1: Incomplete, G- Sound, length: 22m20s
Including 2 minutes of Yellow Submarine then Act Naturally, Honey Don't,
the very beginning of You're A Friend Of Mine [Clarence Clemons] then
Back Off Boogaloo, few seconds of the beginning of Desperado [Joe Walsh],
The End of Boysthen Photograph, You're Sixteen (You're Beauriful And You're Mine),
With A Little Help From My Friends
Some captures of the video

other information
- About Source B: Bootlegzone [external link]
- The Plain Dealer (OH) Newswire Press Photographs